Nolan Family History
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Matthew Pictures Page 4
Family photo of the Birthday of 3 --- Beatrice (Crombie) Nolan                    5 -- Michael Nolan Cerre 
                       in 1966 Alexandria, Minnesota                                                ABC Correspondent during
4 --- Marian (Nolan) Thiesen, 4 --- Bud Nolan,                                                    Gulf War
4 ---John Nolan, 4 --- Joe Nolan,  4 --- Katie (Nolan) Jennings 
                   and many of the
5 --- Grandchildren.

              4 --- John Nolan in France WWII                                  2--- James S. Nolan Stables in Minneapolis 

WWII B-17 Co-Pilot 4 --- Patrick Nolan (far top right)                            The only known photo of 
pictured with "Tis a Mystery" crew.  Patrick and crew were                          "Tis a Mystery" 
KIA on December 30th, 1944 during a mission to Germany.